
Silva Method Benefits

What do you most value for your life and family?
Which of the following would you like to have in your life?
1. Stress management for now but also for the rest of your life.
2. Knowledge of how the mind and brain function to create health and wellness.
3. Creative thinking abilities and enhanced problem solving techniques in all areas.
4. Education that brings fulfillment in present and future career goals and lifestyles.
5. Social and family values that promote peace, harmony, and happiness.
6. A developed intuition that will bring you lucky and correct decisions very often.
7. A feeling of being connected to the planet and all of its residents, and an enhanced connection to Higher Intelligence.

Which of these 21 Silva Method Techniques can you use to help yourself and your family achieve their goals?
1. Stress control... physical and mental relaxation techniques.
2. Mental Housecleaning... eliminate destructive and abusive words from your life.
3. Alpha / theta brain functioning... lowering brain frequencies for improvement in every area of your life.
4. Sleep control... when you can't sleep this technique works wonders!
5. Awake control... to awaken without an alarm clock blasting your peace of mind.
6. Dream control... master dreams and use them to solve problems in your life.
7. Headache control... Graduates report occasional & migraine headaches have disappeared for many.
8. Broadcasting... talk to someone at the SOUL level and really get your point across.
9. Memory pegs.. used to enhance intuition and memory and use of mental screen.
10. Three fingers technique... enhance your retention while studying or reading.
11. Three fingers technique... recall on demand a speech, lecture or lesson.
12. Three fingers technique... makes test taking easier, more accurate and less stressful.
13. Pain control... modify this technique for individual use as needed.
14. Bleeding control... a miracle in the most life threatening situations.
15. Glass of water technique... for getting solutions to problems when you don't know the out come you desire.
16. Habit control... take charge of bad habits (such as weight control and smoking) and create good habits.
17. Effective sensory projection... for your success.
18. Laboratory - creative dimension... your Inner Kingdom.
19. Counselors... guides or helpers to assist you in the laboratory level.
20. Case working detection of problems... to be turned into projects.
21. Case working correction of problems... working on projects at the creative dimension.


  • How To Manifest Your Dreams Quickly When You Step INTO the Scene!
  • That the Term ESP is Often Misunderstood. ESP is NOT an Extra Sense, Everyone Has It!
  • To Project Your Sense of Awareness ANYWHERE in the Universe.
  • Mental Projecting. Learn, Without a Doubt, That Your Mind is Very Powerful When You Are Able to See, Feel and Sense That You Can Affect Other Life Forms on This Planet Earth! 




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Offering Silva Method Seminars in The Villages of Central Florida.
Discounts available for your family, group, Church or business. If you are a coordinator contact me for a terrific fundraising income!

Esther Seymour Vogenitz
Certified Lecturer • Certified Silva Method Instructor since 1995

The Villages of Central Florida 32162

Cell: (386) 717-4022 - Talk or Text

"Let the rest of your life be the best of your life!"
Have a better and better day the Silva Method way.